M.A. or Ph.D. in
Philosophy and Literature:
Interdisciplinary Study of Dostoevsky
(With a Minor in C. G. Jung & Analytic Psychology)
American University of Prague
Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English
Dostoevsky Studies: 36 credit hrs.
Phil. 1330. The Basic Writings of Dostoevsky
Phil. 1340. The Double
Phil. 1350. Notes From the Underground
Phil. 1360. Crime & Punishment
Phil. 1370. The Brothers Karamazov
Phil. 1380. A Writer's Diary
Phil. 1390. An Existential Study of Dostoevsky
21 Credit hrs.
With a Minor in C. G. Jung & Analytic Psychology:
Psy. 510. The "Shadow" in C.G. Jung and Dostoevsky
Psy. 525. Introduction to C.G. Jung and Analytic Psychology
Psy. 540. Archetypes, Dreams, and Symbols in C. G. Jung
Psy. 555. Dostoevsky & "The Double" in Literature
Psy. 570. Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self
Psy. 585. Jung on Death and Immortality
Psy. 600. The Psychology of Literature
21 Credit hrs.
Thesis Work | (6 Credit hrs.) |
Total: 48 Credit hrs.