M.A. or Ph.D. in
Phenomenological Philosophy:
Interdisciplinary Study of Edmund Husserl

(With a Minor in Existential Phenomenology)

Edmund Husserl.

American University of Prague

Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English

Husserl Studies:                                                    36 credit hrs.

Phil. 600. Husserl's "Cartesian Meditations" / "Paris Lectures"
Phil. 620. The "First Book" of Ideas I
Phil. 630. Lectures on the Phenomenology of Inner Time-Consciousness
Phil. 650. Phenomenology in Psychology and Psychiatry
Phil. 660. The "Second Book" of Ideas II
Phil. 680. Husserl's "Krisis" of the European Sciences
Phil. 690. The Phenomenologies of Husserl, Aron Gurwitsch, and C. G. Jung

21 Credit hrs.

With A Minor in Existential Phenomenology:

Phil. 607. Merleau-Ponty
Phil. 614. Heidegger
Phil. 580. Sartre
Phil. 621. Scheler
Phil. 631. Jaspers
Phil. 641. Buber
Phil. 651. Hegel

21 Credit hours.

Thesis Work:

(6 Credit hrs.)

Total: 48 Credit hrs.

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