M.A. or Ph.D. in
English Literature Studies:
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
(With a Minor in C.G. Jung and Analytic Psychology)

American University of Prague
Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English
Arthurian Studies: 36 credit hrs.
Eng. 500. King Arthur and His Knights
Eng. 510. Merlin and the Grail: Joseph of Arimathea, Merlin, Perveval
Eng. 520. Arthurian Literature of the Middle Ages
Eng. 530. King Arthur: Hero and Legend
Eng. 540. The Grail: From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol
Eng. 550. Mystic Aspects of the Holy Grail
Eng. 560. Parzival
21 Credit hrs.
With a Minor in C.G. Jung and Analytic Psychology:
Psy. 510. The Grail Legend: Archetypes, Symbols, & Christian Mythology
Psy. 525. Introduction to C.G. Jung and Analytic Psychology
Psy. 540. Jung on Christianity
Psy. 555. Archetypes, Dreams, and Symbols in C. G. Jung
Psy. 570. Jung on Mythology
Psy. 585. Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self
Psy. 600. Jung on Death and Immortality
21 Credit hrs.
Thesis Work: | (6 Credit hrs.) |
Total: 48 Credit hrs.