The Sigmund Freud Center

M.A. or Ph.D. in
Psychoanalytic Psychology:
A Comparative Study of Sigmund Freud

(With a Minor in Jacques Lacan and French Neo-Freudianism)

Sigmund Freud.

American University of Prague

Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English

Freudian Studies:                                                  36 credit hrs.

Psy. 500. The Origin and Development of Psycho-Analysis (1910)
Psy. 510. The Unconscious, (1915) / Freud Letters
Psy. 520. The Ego and the Id, (1923) / New Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, (1932)
Psy. 530. Interpretation of Dreams (1900) / Freud-Jung Letters
Psy. 540. Three Essays on Sexuality / Totem & Taboo, (1913)
Psy. 550. On Narcissism / Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920)
Psy. 560. The Future of an Illusion, (1927) / Moses and Monotheism, (1939)

21 Credit hrs.

Freud’s famous "Psychoanalytic Couch" for his patients.

Freud's famous "Psychoanalytic Couch" for his patients.

With a Minor in Jacques Lacan and French Neo-Freudianism:

Psy. 510. Ecrits: A Selection
Psy. 525. Television: A Challenge to the Psychoanalytic Establishment
Psy. 540. The Seminar, XX Encore: On Feminine Sexuality
Psy. 555. The Seminar, Freud's Papers on Technique
Psy. 570. The Seminar, Book III, The Psychoses
Psy. 585. The Seminar, Book VII, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis
Psy. 600. The Language of the Self: The Function of Language in Psychoanalysis

21 Credit hrs.

Thesis Work:

(6 Credit hrs.)

Total: 48 Credit hrs.

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