B.A., M.A. or Ph.D.
In English-Literature:
Interdisciplinary British & American Literature
(With a Minor in C.G. Jung and Analytic Psychology)

Sylvia Beach and James Joyce at Shakespeare & Co. Bookstore in Paris.
American University of Prague
Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English
British Literature 36 credit hrs.
Eng. 150. Medieval Literature
Eng. 220. Shakespeare
Eng. 260. The Romantic Period
Eng. 280. The Victorian Period
Eng. 300. Modern British and Irish Literature
15 Credit hrs.
American Literature
Eng. 200. Middle to Late 19th Century American Literature
Eng. 220. Early 20th Century American Literature
Eng. 240. Middle to Late 20th Century American Literature
Eng. 260. American Literature Popular Modes
12 Credit hrs.
With a Minor in C.G. Jung and Analytic Psychology:
Psy. 150. Introduction to C.G. Jung and Analytic Psychology
Psy. 200. Archetypes, Dreams, and Symbols in C.G. Jung
Psy. 240. Psychoanalysis and Symbolism in Shakespeare's Plays
Psy. 260. A Psychoanalytical Study of "the Double" in Literature
Psy. 280. The Shakespearean Imagination
15 Credit hrs.
Thesis Work | (6 Credit hrs.) |
Total: 48 Credit hrs.