
Digital library coming soon.
I. The Sacred Books of the East (50 volumes) F. Max Muller
II. The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (24 volumes)
Ph.D. Thesis Dissertations
1) Viktor Frankl: Life and Work. 212, pages.
Neil Allan Soggie (Canada).
(Admitted from Concordia University, Chicago, with an M.A. degree in psychology).
Program of study: Viktor Frankl and "Existential Psychology".
Date thesis accepted: Thesis completed August 1st, 2014.
Degree: Ph.D. in psychology. (Recently graduated from PHI).
2) "Thou Must be Thyself": A Jungian Shakespeare.
Aleksandra Vujovic (Montenegro).
(Admitted from University of Belgrade, with an M.A. in English-literature).
Program of study: Jungian Psychology.
Date thesis accepted: January 2021.
Degree: Ph.D. in Jungian Psychology.
M.A. Thesis Dissertation
1) Teilhard de Chardin and the Divine Milieu
Felix Diaz Vega (Florida, USA).
(Admitted from the University of South Florida with a B.A. degree in biology).
Program of study: Philosophy of Science.
Date thesis accepted: Thesis in progress.
Degree: M.A. in Philosophy of Science.
B.A. Thesis Dissertation
1) The "Existential Analytic" in Martin Heidegger's Ontology of Being.
Jonathan Seldon (London, UK).
(Admitted from High School).
Program of study: Philosophy and Humanities.
Date thesis accepted: Thesis in progress.
Degree: B.A. in Philosophy and Humanities.