Integral Religion
Moreover, in the area of "Integral religion" students study the Classics of "Eastern and Western Spirituality". In this light, the Institute attempts to form a critical "interface" or dialogue between the Eastern and Western Spiritual traditions. This is accomplished by the study of either the "Phenomenology of Religion" or a "Comparative study of Religion" at the Institute. Courses offered on the "Classics of Eastern Spirituality" include a survey of the World Religions: the Chinese Religion (Taoism), Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, as well as a survey of Middle-Eastern Spirituality reflected in the Jewish Old Testament Bible, and the New Testament Bible. Similarly, courses offered on the "Classics of Western Spirituality" include such major figures as: the Pseudo-Dionysius, Bernard of Clairvaux, Richard of St.Victor, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Bonaventure, Meister Eckhart, St. Ignatus of Loyola, as well as St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avilla, Angelus Silesius, Thomas Merton, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The "Classics of Eastern and Western Spirituality" can be highlighted and contrasted with the the classics of the Western philosophy.
Theology Links
Psychology of Religion
St. John of The Cross
St. Teresa of Avila
St. Hildegard of Bingen
Meister Eckhart
Philosophy of Religion
Søren Kierkegaard
Nikolai Berdyaev
Martin Buber
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
G.W.F. Hegel
Edith Stein
Protestant Philosophical Theology
Karl Barth
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Reinhold Niebuhr
Rudolf Otto
Paul Tillich
M.A. and Ph.D. (Graduate Courses):
Phil. 1260. The Writings of Søren Kierkegaard
Phil. 1270. Attack Upon Christendom
Phil. 1280. Either / Or
Phil. 1290. Kierkegaard's Journals
Phil. 1300. Sickness unto Death
Phil. 1310. The Concept of Dread
Phil. 1320. Concluding Unscientific Postscript
Phil. 1330. The Writings of Nikolai Berdyaev
Phil. 1340. Destiny of Man / Meaning of History / Beginning & the End
Phil. 1350. Christianity and Class War / Truth & Revelation
Phil. 1360. Freedom and the Spirit / Dream & Reality
Phil. 1370. Dostoevsky / Divine and the Human
Phil. 1380. Slavery and Freedom / The Russian Revolution / The Russian Idea
Phil. 1390. Spirit and Reality / Realm of Spirit & Realm of Ceasar
Phil. 1400. The Fate of Man in the Modern World / Christianity & Anti-Semitism
Phil. 1410. The Origin of Russian Communism / Towards a New Epoch
Phil. 1050. The Writings of Martin Buber
Phil. 1060. I and Thou
Phil. 1070. Martin Buber and Jewish Existentialism
Phil. 1080. On Judaism
Phil. 1090. Between Man and Man
Phil. 1100. The Prophetic Faith
Phil. 1110. Two Types of Faith: The Interpretation of Judaism and Christianity
Teilhard de Chardin:
Rel. 500. The Phenomenon of Man
Rel. 510. The Divine Milieu / Let me Explain
Rel. 520. The Future of Man and Hymn of the Universe
Rel. 530. Human Energy and Activation of Energy
Rel. 540. Woman and Cosmos / The Eternal Feminine
Rel. 550. Christianity and Evolution
Rel. 560. The Heart of the Matter / Toward the Future
Teilhard and the Biological Sciences:
Bio. 5130. Advances in Biology
Bio. 5230. Molecular Biology
Bio. 6330. Topics in Molecular Biology
Bio. 6100. Advances in Genetics
Bio. 6239. Evolutionary Genetics
Bio. 5699. Plant Ecology
Bio. 7201. Topics in Plant Genetics
Bio. 6300. Bioethics
Bio. 5603. Conservation Biology Theory
Phil. 500. G.W.F. Hegel's "Mature System" of Thought
Phil. 510. Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit
Phil. 520. The Philosophy of History
Phil. 530. Hegel's Aesthetics or the Philosophy of Fine Art
Phil. 540. Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion
Phil. 550. From Hegel to Marx and the Young Hegelians
Phil. 770. The Writings of Edith Stein
Phil. 780. Edith Stein: St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Phil. 790 Philosophy of Psychology in the Humanities
Phil. 800. Edith Stein: A Self-Portrait from her letters, (1916-1942)
Phil. 810. On the Problem of Empathy
Phil. 820. Knowledge and Faith
Phil. 830. Finite and Eternal Being
Rel. 570. The Theological Basis of Barth's Opposition to Nazi Antisemitism
Rel. 580. Humanity of God
Rel. 590. Call to Discipleship
Rel. 600. God Here and Now
Rel. 610. Dogmatics in Outline
Rel. 620. Against the Stream: Shorter Post-War Writings, 1946-52
Rel. 630. The Word in this World: Two Sermon
Phil. 1410. The Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Phil. 1420. Letters and Papers from Prison / Bonhoeffer Documentary
Rel. 640. The Cost of Discipleship
Rel. 650. Creation, Fall and Temptation: Two Biblical Studies
Rel. 660. Life Together of Faith in the Community
Phil. 1430. Act and Being
Phil. 1440. Ethics
Phil. 1450. The Writings of Rheinhold Niebuhr
Phil. 1460. Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study of Ethics and Politics
Rel. 670. Children of Light and Children of Darkness
Phil. 1470. Beyond Tragedy: Essays on the Christian Interpretation of Tragedy
Phil. 1480. Pious and Secular America
Phil. 1490. Irony of American History
Phil. 1500. Leaves from a Notebook of a Tamed Critic
Rel. 680. The Essential Writings of Paul Tillich
Rel. 690. Theology of Culture
Rel. 700. Systematic Theology
Rel. 710. Christian Thought From its Judaic & Hellenistic Origins to Existentialism
Rel. 720. The Shaking of the Foundations
Phil. 1510. My Search for Absolutes
Phil. 1520. The Interpretation of History
St. John of the Cross:
Phil. 500. Introduction to Christian Mysticism
Phil. 510. Ascent to Mount Carmel
Phil. 520. Dark Night of the Soul
Phil. 530. Spiritual Canticle
Phil. 540. Living Flame of Love
Phil. 550. The Spanish Mystics
Phil. 560. Reason & Mysticism in St. John of the Cross
St Teresa of Avila:
Phil. 500. Introduction to Christian Mysticism
Phil. 510. The Life of St. Teresa
Phil. 520. The Book of the Foundations of St. Teresa
Phil. 530. The History of the Foundations of St. Teresa
Phil. 540. Interior Castle
Phil. 550. The Way of Perfection
Phil. 560. The Letters of St. Teresa of Avila
St. Hildegard of Bingen:
Phil. 500. The Writings of Hildegard of Bingen
Phil. 510. Book of Divine Works
Phil. 520. St. Hildegard's Theology of the Feminine
Phil. 530. The Illuminations of St. Hildegard
Phil. 540. St. Hildegard's Thought and Art
Phil. 550. Book of the Rewards of Life
Phil. 560. St. Hildegard: Mystic and Healer
Meister Eckhart:
Phil. 500. The Basic Writings of Meister Eckhart
Phil. 520. Meister Eckhart: Mystic & Philosopher
Phil. 530. The Darkness of God: Negativity in Christian Mysticism
Phil. 540. Meister Eckhart's Sermons, Writings, & Teachings
Phil. 550. The Treatises & Commentaries of Meister Eckhart
Phil. 560. Meister Eckhart's Parisian Questions & Prologues
Phil. 570. The Classics of Western Spirituality