Advanced Center for Phenomenology

Advanced Center for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy - Prague Humanities Institute

American University of Prague

Prague Humanities Institute

Doctor of Philosophy in Existential Phenomenology (Ph.D.)
Master of Philosophy in Existential Phenomenology (M.A.)

The purpose of the Advanced Center for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy is to provide students with an understanding of the life and works of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Marcel, Gurwitsch, Buber, Scheler, Jaspers, and others. The Center is specifically designed to help students prepare for a teaching career in the field of philosophy, psychology, or a closely related discipline. The Advanced Center for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy offers studetns the unique opportunity to eatrn either a Master's degree or a Doctoral degree in the field of philosophy at the graduate level of study.

Admission Requirements:

1. Baccalaureate degree in philosophy, psychology, or a closely related discipline.
2. Master's degree in philosophy, psychology, or a closely related discipline.
3. Three letters of recommendation.
4. Three page statement outlining your career objectives.
5. A personal interview.

Program link: G.W.F. Hegel
Program link: Edmund Husserl
Program link: Aron Gurwitsch
Program link: Alfred Schutz
Program link: Martin Heidegger
Program link: Karl Jaspers
Program link: Jean-Paul Sartre
Program link: Gabriel Marcel
Program link: Merleau-Ponty
Program link: Max Scheler
Program link: Edith Stein
Program link: Martin Buber
Program link: Friedrich Nietzsche
Program link: Theodor Adorno

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